Wharton Stories: Diversity

Founded by two professors and Wharton alumni, The Tenure Project is on a mission to help more underrepresented junior business faculty receive tenure across the country.

Closing the Tenure Gap for Business Faculty of Color

Aman Goyal, associate director of undergraduate student life, writes about creating a more inclusive work environment through the Wharton Intergroup Dialogue & Inclusion Team (WIDIT).

Leading Conversations on Diversity & Inclusion with Wharton Staff

Since 2012, IDDEAS@Wharton has been a pathway for undergraduate students of all backgrounds to enter the world of business research.

Building a Diverse Pipeline for Business Faculty

Assistant Professor of Management Stephanie Creary brings her research on diversity and inclusion into her MBA and undergraduate classes.

How Prof. Stephanie Creary Works Towards Inclusion in Research, Teaching, and Wharton Culture

Prof. Barsade’s lecture traced the psychology of implicit biases, how they damage hiring and organizations, and how they can be addressed in workplaces and communities.

Faculty Work Informs Students in Examining Unconscious Biases

Getting a PhD wasn’t part of Tanya’s long-term plan when she started as an undergrad at Wharton. She initially aspired to work as a data scientist or analyst but soon fell in love with data in a whole different way through a research assistantship.

How This Doctoral Student Began Her PhD Journey as a Wharton Undergrad

“There is a pipeline problem in business academia: more women tend to drop out of the program, or choose a non-academic career. At some point we realized, we wanted to make sure that other generations had access to this kind of a group, because it was so instrumental to our success.”

How This PhD Student Took Advantage of Wharton’s Resources and Created a New Pipeline for Women in Academia

“Resources are something that often PhD programs lack, but at Wharton it really enriches us and makes us better able to do research.”

This PhD Student Found the Resources and Expertise at Wharton to Conduct Ground-Breaking Research

“The topics that we pursue as doctoral students are policy relevant. Whether in industry or the public sector, it’s going to make a difference somewhere.”

Wharton’s PhD Program Prepared This Doctor to Perform Economic Evaluations in Health Care

“We have a weekly seminar, and they bring amazing lecturers from all over the world. You find out what’s new in research, what’s interesting right now, what’s catching, and what you want to study.”

How This PhD Student Discovered a Dynamic Research Community at Wharton