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Wharton Stories:
“I used to not believe in core values — until we picked ones we believed in and operationalized them. They work if they’re real.”
How an Award-Winning Marketing Firm Fosters Work/Life Balance
“I really wanted people to find this safe place, this safe workout, because it’s low-impact. People can come and take a class if they’re 17 years old or if they’re 82 years old.”
Why The Co-Founder of SoulCycle Restarted with a New Fitness Venture
Learn about student programming, events, and other ways to get involved with the Wharton Social Impact Initiative for the spring 2019 semester.
6 Ways to Get Involved With Social Impact This Semester
All Penn and Wharton undergrads and grads can apply for the sought-after WISE Fellowship, a paid experiential learning opportunity in social impact consulting or research.
How to Gain Real-World Social Impact Experience While You’re Still a Student
Andrea Contigiani, GrW’19, does research on experimentation in early-stage ventures. Knowledge@Wharton sat down with him to talk about what implications his research has on the “lean startup” methods.
Wharton PhD Candidate Explores the Downside of the Lean Startup
Learn about student programming with the Wharton Social Impact Initiative, with opportunities in impact investing, consulting, social entrepreneurship, research, community building, and more.
Welcome Back to Campus: 6 Social Impact Programs for Students
During his “walk-and-talk” office hours, Prof. Kartik Hosanagar connects with students outside the classroom in a unique way. The influential researcher and entrepreneur trades insights and conversations with students on his daily walking commute.
How This Professor Goes the Extra Mile to Build Connections Inside and Outside the Classroom
In this Wharton Scale School workshop, our expert panel offers recommendations on how companies can address the challenges of multiple products and product managers.
Beyond the Core: How to Become a Multi-Product Company
“I realized how fascinating the job of a researcher is. I was 21 then — I changed most of my plans and invested the following years to get into a PhD program, and I am more convinced every day that was the right thing to do.”
Why This PhD Candidate Changed His Plans from Consulting to Academic Research
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