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Wharton Stories:
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
“I used to not believe in core values — until we picked ones we believed in and operationalized them. They work if they’re real.”
How an Award-Winning Marketing Firm Fosters Work/Life Balance
Andrea Contigiani, GrW’19, does research on experimentation in early-stage ventures. Knowledge@Wharton sat down with him to talk about what implications his research has on the “lean startup” methods.
Wharton PhD Candidate Explores the Downside of the Lean Startup
Prof. Michael Platt and the new Wharton Neuroscience Initiative are exploring evolutionary brain science and using high-tech tools to unlock the secrets of human psychology — and marketing.
Why This Professor Believes Neuroscience Is the Future of Business
The Wharton Neuroscience Initiative explores the ethical, legal, and societal implications for neuroscience and business at its second annual WiN summit.
Configuring a ‘Road Map’ for Neuroscience and Business
During his “walk-and-talk” office hours, Prof. Kartik Hosanagar connects with students outside the classroom in a unique way. The influential researcher and entrepreneur trades insights and conversations with students on his daily walking commute.
How This Professor Goes the Extra Mile to Build Connections Inside and Outside the Classroom
The Wharton Innovation Doctoral Symposium will bring together doctoral students from different business-related disciplines and different parts of the world to discuss their developing research constructively.
New Doctoral Symposium to Increase Dialogue on Innovation Research
In this Wharton Scale School workshop, our expert panel offers recommendations on how companies can address the challenges of multiple products and product managers.
Beyond the Core: How to Become a Multi-Product Company
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