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Wharton Stories:
Measuring impact is tricky. Wharton Social Impact’s Head of Research Maoz (Michael) Brown and Doctoral Fellow Lauren Kaufmann discuss key findings from their forthcoming research on how investors assess impact for social and environmental change.
Research Spotlight: How Impact Investors Measure Impact
Since 2012, IDDEAS@Wharton has been a pathway for undergraduate students of all backgrounds to enter the world of business research.
Building a Diverse Pipeline for Business Faculty
Matthew Caulfield, W’16, GW’20, transferred to Wharton in his sophomore year and stayed to pursue a PhD in Ethics and Legal Studies. His involvement in election tech research has made him a spokesperson at national conferences.
PhD Candidate Matthew Caulfield Became an Election Technology Expert — As an Undergrad
It takes a village and a variety of skills to succeed in the doctoral world. Here are a few of the many resources Wharton Doctoral Programs offers to help.
7 Resources to Help PhD Students Succeed on Their Doctoral Journey
Andrea Contigiani, GrW’19, does research on experimentation in early-stage ventures. Knowledge@Wharton sat down with him to talk about what implications his research has on the “lean startup” methods.
Wharton PhD Candidate Explores the Downside of the Lean Startup
The award-winning WRDS platform continues to expand its offerings, deepening researcher engagement and expanding resources for students and instructors around the world.
Wharton Research Data Services Makes Big Data Digestible
Pursuing a joint degree in marketing and psychology, doctoral student Arthur Lee has also plugged in to a “rare network” that bridges neuroscience and business through Wharton’s Neuroscience Initiative.
How This Doctoral Student Is Exploring the Nexus Between Business and Brain Science
Management professor Mary-Hunter McDonnell examines corporate strategies and responses to increased public scrutiny.
How Companies Engage with Social Activism
Prof. Michael Platt and the new Wharton Neuroscience Initiative are exploring evolutionary brain science and using high-tech tools to unlock the secrets of human psychology — and marketing.
Why This Professor Believes Neuroscience Is the Future of Business
A summit of Penn Wharton Budget Model’s growing presence in D.C., the forum saw policymakers, business leaders, and academics examining the evolving tools that will make government more accessible to everyone.
Data for Government Transparency: Key Takeaways from Penn Wharton Budget Model’s First Policy Forum
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