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Wharton Stories:
Learn about student programming with the Wharton Social Impact Initiative, with opportunities in impact investing, consulting, social entrepreneurship, research, community building, and more.
Welcome Back to Campus: 6 Social Impact Programs for Students
Pursuing a joint degree in marketing and psychology, doctoral student Arthur Lee has also plugged in to a “rare network” that bridges neuroscience and business through Wharton’s Neuroscience Initiative.
How This Doctoral Student Is Exploring the Nexus Between Business and Brain Science
Assistant Professor of Management Stephanie Creary brings her research on diversity and inclusion into her MBA and undergraduate classes.
How Prof. Stephanie Creary Works Towards Inclusion in Research, Teaching, and Wharton Culture
Second-year doctoral student Esther Uduehi, president of the Wharton Society for the Advancement of Women in Business Academia, talks about life as a PhD student.
Building Community and Connection with Women in Business Academia
The Wharton Innovation Doctoral Symposium will bring together doctoral students from different business-related disciplines and different parts of the world to discuss their developing research constructively.
New Doctoral Symposium to Increase Dialogue on Innovation Research
Prof. Barsade’s lecture traced the psychology of implicit biases, how they damage hiring and organizations, and how they can be addressed in workplaces and communities.
Faculty Work Informs Students in Examining Unconscious Biases
“Because Wharton is very welcome to the idea of students taking courses and collaborating with professors outside of their core department, I have been able to make great relationships with professors and students across both of those disciplines.”
Interdisciplinary Collaboration Attracted This CDC Researcher to Wharton’s PhD Program
“I realized how fascinating the job of a researcher is. I was 21 then — I changed most of my plans and invested the following years to get into a PhD program, and I am more convinced every day that was the right thing to do.”
Why This PhD Candidate Changed His Plans from Consulting to Academic Research
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